
 The Bit Harmony on horseback starts with a well-fitting bit. The mouth is one of the most important and the most sensitive part of the horse and therefore it is important that it is handled with care. The bit is the first communication method between rider and horse. This is where SPRENGER offers a solution. The SPRENGER development center is continuously working on product innovation. The optimized design, effectiveness and quality are aspects to which SPRENGER pays a lot of attention. The SPRENGER bits are widely used by international riders and they confirm the excellent quality and effectiveness with great appreciation. – Sensogan – In 2002, this new material was designed by SPRENGER, consisting of copper, manganese and zinc.

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The combination of manganese and copper provides a more gradual process of oxygen and improves the horse’s chewing process. This results in a horse that is more willing to work, shows more satisfaction and motivation during training. In short, this material used ensures better acceptance of the bit, a more subtle connection between horse and rider and also has an elegant appearance due to the white gold color of the mouthpiece. – Dynamic RS – The dynamic rs line from SPRENGER ensures better contact between rider and horse. This is caused by the fact that the bits of the dynamic rs line are all anatomically shaped and therefore lie perfectly in the horse’s mouth. This results in a gentle impact and it gradually distributes the pressure over the entire tongue.

The bid is made of SENSOGAN. – Novocontact – SPRENGER has specially designed de novocontact for horses that are difficult to accept the bit and where it is more difficult to obtain a stable connection (e.g. horses that walk/crawl behind the bit). De novocontact has a single jointed mouthpiece which allows the bit to act on the sides of the mouth, especially the layers and the palate. Horse bit. Horse products. Material horse bit.

When the rider maintains constant light contact, the flat part of the mouthpiece lies still and calm in the mouth, as the rider applies pressure the bit is directed forward, narrowing the surface and putting pressure on the plies. This creates better and more effective communication between rider and horse. When the pressure is released, the mouthpiece turns back to a soft and smooth position. – KK Ultra – The KK Ultra line was created because science showed that the horse’s mouth is a lot narrower than previously thought. SPRENGER has responded to these findings and designed a bit that is anatomically shaped for the perfect fit in the horse’s mouth and is narrower than most bits. In addition, the KK Ultra can be tilted 45 degrees so that the bit adapts completely to the horse’s mouth. This ensures a perfect connection between horse and rider and works a bit more softly and clearly.

This line is also made of SENSOGAN material. Stirrups SPRENGER stirrups are designed with the highest quality standards. Similar to the bit, extensive testing is performed before the product is presented on the market. The quality checks were done with the Institute for Research and Development (FES) in Berlin. Years of research have shown that stirrups sometimes have to endure three times the body weight, to create optimal safety, SPRENGER offers the highest quality with a breaking strength of 800 kg. Spurs SPRENGER spurs are made of German silver and stainless steel. They have an optimal design for more comfort. More than 100 different models in various materials offer a wide range of individual wishes of both horse and rider. SPRENGER spurs provide gentle yet precise communication between horse and rider. Mouth shape. Horse mouth.

View the full range of Sprenger at My Riding Boots.