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Spurs & spur straps

Spurs and spur straps are important tools for communicating with your horse while riding. Spurs allow the rider to give a gentle, subtle cue to the horse to move forward or change direction. Without spurs, the rider may have to rely on more harsh techniques such as kicking or pulling on the reins. Spur straps help to secure the spurs in place, ensuring that they do not slip off or cause discomfort to the horse. A good pair of spurs and spur straps are essential for any rider who wants to effectively communicate with their horse and promote good training habits.

There are several different types of spurs and spur straps

  • Rowel spurs: These spurs have a small, rotating wheel at the end, which is used to give a more precise cue to the horse.
  • Principled spurs: These spurs have a long, straight spur shank and are often used for dressage riding.
  • Western spurs: These spurs are typically worn by riders in western disciplines, such as rodeo or cowboy riding. They often have a shorter spur shank and a larger rowel.
  • Dressage spurs: These spurs have a thin, straight shank and a small, blunt rowel, and are often used in dressage riding.
  • Show spurs: These spurs are designed specifically for show riding and often have decorative elements, such as engravings or gemstones.
  • Spur straps: These are straps that are used to secure the spurs in place on the rider's boots. They can be made of leather or synthetic materials, and come in a variety of colors and styles.

The advantages of De Niro Boot Co. and Sprenger

De Niro Boot Co. is a well-known brand in the equestrian world, known for their high-quality spurs and spur straps. Their spurs are made from the finest materials, such as stainless steel and titanium, and are designed to be comfortable and effective for both the rider and the horse. They offer a variety of styles, including rowel spurs, principled spurs, and western spurs, to suit the needs of different riders and disciplines.

In addition to their spurs, De Niro also offers a range of spur straps to match. These straps are made from durable leather and are designed to be long-lasting and easy to use. They come in a range of colors and styles, so riders can choose the perfect pair to match their boots and personal style.

Sprenger is another well-respected brand in the equestrian world, known for their high-quality spurs and spur straps. Their spurs are made from strong materials, such as stainless steel and brass, and are designed to be comfortable and effective for both the rider and the horse. They offer a variety of styles, including rowel spurs, principled spurs, and western spurs, to suit the needs of different riders and disciplines.

Sprenger's spur straps are also highly regarded in the equestrian community. They are made from durable leather and are designed to be long-lasting and easy to use. They come in a range of colors and styles, so riders can choose the perfect pair to match their boots and personal style. Overall, both De Niro Boot Co. and Sprenger are excellent choices for high-quality spurs and spur straps that will last for years to come.

View here the most frequently asked questions about spurs & spur straps.